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Monday 5 April 2010

Easter Excess...

It all began on Thursday evening with a burger + cheese NO Bun and rolled into an Easter decorated bag of edible goodies! My body just can't cope with all this gorging!

Why is it that when we have an official 4 day holiday we have to stuff our faces to make it all the more special? I am not complaining simply commenting on the ritual. At Christmas it is turkey, mince pies, cake and canapes and at Easter it is Lamb, hot cross buns and chocolate eggs. I love it but before Christmas I am usually working out in preparation for the Christmas party frocks and the gorge is manageable, but Easter is another story. I am just beginning to assess my summer wardrobe and noticing that my body has a distinct post winter podge, I am just a month into the summer wardrobe workout programme and have hit a giant chocolate egg shaped wall that must be consumed before I continue on my bikini body programme!

Check out the beautiful hand made Easter goody bag that my mum made for me and the ridiculous amount of eggs my boyfriend hid around our house to understand the enormity that is the chocolate wall!

Beautifuly decorated goody bag.

and its delicious contents!
The ridiculous amount of eggs that I found dotted around our house!

What the boyfriend and I have to get our chops around!!!!

I think I am off to the GYM!

Also congratulations to RMH for winning the SHE goody bag, I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Wayhay Wacey that's a ton of stuff, might pop round for a haircut and scoff xx

  2. Hee hee.. You are more than welcome! Is your hair ready for its trim then? x


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